“True friendship is like sound health, the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.”
- Charles Caleb Colton
“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”
- Anon
“Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend”
- Albert Camus
“Friends are the bacon bits in the salad bowl of life.”
- Anon
“Friendship is one mind in two bodies.”
- Mencius
“If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them, I would be at the bottom to catch them.”
- Anon
“Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say.”
- Anon
“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.”
- Anon
"Friends are the best presents."
- Taylor Swift
Bestfriend, a simple word isn't it? But it means more than THAT. They look at you as a nice, great, cool person, even if you think you're not. They convince you that you can when you think you can never nail it. They bring you up when you break down. They listen to you when others don't. They won't speak when you talk, because they're a good listener. They won't promise they'll solve all your problems - but they'll always promise you won't have to face it alone. They will always try to be there for you 24/7, even in their busiest time. They will put a smile on your face easily. They will love you for who you are. They won't judge you, because they know you have your own reason. They understand you, and sometimes, more than you understand yourself.
- Tiffany William
Teman yang baik adalah orang yang selalu ada saat di butuhkan, terutama saat sedang ada masalah, juga dalam keadaan apapun. Kita bisa menjadi teman yang baik untuk teman kita. Here is some tips for you.
1. Care
Saat teman kita mengalami kesulitan di satu mata pelajaran, ajak dia belajar bareng, biar nantinya pas ulangan bisa sama-sama dapat nilai yang bagus. Eh, membantu teman tanpa diminta itu salah satu bentuk care juga, loh.
2. Mendukung
Dukung teman sepenuhnya, entah saat dia sedang pengen ikutan ekskul dance, vocal atau naksir cowok. Dukungan teman biasanya bikin teman lebih pede dan semangat. Tapi jangan dukung teman dalam hal-hal yang negatif, ya!
3. Beri Nasehat
Kalau teman kita lagi bete/badmood karena baru aja berantem sama mamanya, nggak ada salahnya kan kalau kita nasehatin dia supaya engga kelewat emosional, suruh dia minta maaf dan bicara baik-baik sama mamanya. Namun jangan terlalu "menggurui" teman. Ciptakan suasana santai dan gunakan bahasa yang ringan sehingga teman kita bisa mengerti.
4. Menghibur
Menghibur teman yang sedang sakit, patah hati, ataupun bete benar-benar “P3K” yang efektif. Dan, kalau kata-kata indah enggak juga mempan, bercanda dan kasih tebakan garing juga boleh kok ☺
5. Simpati
Kalau ada teman atau anggota keluarganya yang sedang sakit nggak salahnya kita jenguk. Juga kalau dia lagi ada kesusahan, tunjukin simpati kita. Jangan sampai temen kita lagi sedih kita malah seneng-seneng, bisa-bisa dia makin bete.
6. Trust
Percaya kepada temanmu. Dan jangan sia-siakan kepercayaan teman kepadamu. Jika dia meberi tahukan rahasianya hanya kepadamu, jangan sekali-kali membocorkan rahasia itu ke orang lain.
7. Ingatkan
Ingatkan teman kita kalau mereka melakukan hal-hal yang mulai mengarah ke hal-hal negatif. Kita pasti tidak mau teman kita "terjerumus" ke sana kan? Jadi, ingatkan mereke sebelum semuanya terlambat.
(Article by Rissa Putri, added and edited by Fitria Arumsari)
My type of best friend will be:
♥ The one who understands me in and out
♥ The one who listens to my unspoken words
♥ The one who can complete my sentence
♥ The one who has pretty soul
♥ The one who is not bored spending hours just sitting there, doing nothing with me
♥ The one who is not jealous and selfish
♥ The one who supports me when no one does
♥ The one who turns their back when I am all alone
♥ The one who can convince me I can when no one can
♥ The one who brings out the best in me
♥ The one who changes me and my life to be better
- Tiffany William
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Photo Source: http://littlemissanje.tumblr.com |
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